
Tri-ad offers a wide range of brokerage services to meet the needs of all importers and exporters. We get to know your  business and cater to your needs. We offer Fast, Effective, and Accurate customs clearance, on-line with Canada Customs. Our professionals are always aware of the custom incentives, and will advise you of anything that might affect your products.


Customs Clearance


Our professionals can assist and guide you through


  • Duty drawbacks, assessment and filing
  • NAFTA compliance
  • Entry processing
  • On-line customs filing
  • Classification and value assistance
  • Prompt, effective clearance


Compliance Audits


Revenue Canada is currently performing post-entry verification and audits. This means that importers and exporters must keep accurate records and data of all trade transactions. Our professionals can quickly assess that you are complying with tariff classifications, GST, etc. We make sure that you are prepared for any audit by Revenue Canada.